Monday, January 23, 2012

New Technology

This week’s personal blog post:  find an article on new technology.  Read your article and write a summary.  Post your summary on your blog.  Provide a link to the article you read on your blog and on teacher’s blog followed by your name.  Due by Friday – you will get up to 30 minutes of class time, the rest is due for homework. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

ID Theft

Read this Article on Identity Theft. After you have read the entire article, answer the following questions in paragraph form. Be sure to use proper grammar and spelling on your post.
1. What mistakes did this woman make to have her identity stolen?
2. Why do you feel ID Theft is such a common problem these days?
3. What type of documents or personal belongings would someone have to obtain to steal a person’s identity?
4. What are some ideas that you would suggest to someone to protect their identity from being stolen.
5. Who do you think is to blame, the person stealing the identity, or the person who is not protecting themselves from identity theft?
Don’t forget to look at other posts and comment on whether or not you agree or disagree.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

QR Technology


1) Most of you have probably seen icons like the one above around but didn't know what they were. These little squares that contain black and white pixels are popping up everywhere. They are called  QR codes (Quick Response Codes). Jeff Utecht, claimed 2011 would be  "The year of the QR code".  This means he felt it was the latest technology to explode in the mainstream.  He explains what QR are and how they are used at the following link - recent blog post.  You can read his thoughts on QR codes and what others posted at that time. 

Have you noticed QR codes on product packages, mail. advertizements, and other places?  Did you know what they were?

Can your phone decode these secret messages? 

2) I generated the QR code above that contains a secret if you have a device that can read QR codes give it a whirl.  If you don't have a device, come to the teacher station and read my secret code with the iPhone. You can also create your own "secret code" using the following site -  Here is a site.  Create your own QR code - it's fun and easy to use. Think of a message you would like to create (must be school appropriate) - post your QR code on your blog. (to post it you must first save it to your P drive as a jpg then upload the jpg image to your blog)

3) Record the following link in your Delicious Account - tag as QRcodes qr 
4) Read through the comments people left on Jeff's post, some people are skeptical of QR codes but others have some pretty neat ideas of how they can be used. Either way, something to keep your eye on as we move forward into 2011.

Do you have any thoughts about QR codes?  What purpose or application for them in advertising, education, or other areas do you see?  Post your response to the above on your blog. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Amazing Car

One thing you'll learn about blogs is that "posts", such as this, are listed in chronological order based on the date posted.  The latest post will be at the top.  So you'll notice this isn't the first post.  At this point . . . stop reading and go to the post below to read and respond.  Come back to this "post" when you're finished commenting on the first blog post below.

Do not click on the following link until you have finished the blog comment from the 1st blog post below. 

Now that you're back, click on the link to an amazing car that was at the 2010 Oshkosh Airshow in Wisconsin. .  Do you think something like this would actually sell?  What are your thoughts? Be sure to key your first and last name at the end of your post.