Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reflection - Podcasts

Now that you have created your first Podcast and uploaded it to your blog, let's take a look at what you've learned.

What new skills were required to complete this task?
What skills did you find easy to use?
What areas did you have trouble with, if any?
How could Podcasts be used in Science, History, and English classes?

Post this to this blog using comments below - due Friday, Feb. 10.


  1. 1. The skills I used were writing a script, recording it, and making a collage.
    2. I found writing the script was easy to do.
    3. I had a little trouble with recording the script, because I messed up a lot.
    4. Podcasts can be used in other classes by doing reports and using the information and pictures.

    Kamryn Frantz

  2. What new skills were required to complete this task?
    The skills required for a podcast would be; being able to take notes, write a paper, record yourself, and make a picture collage.

    What skills did you find easy to use?
    The skills that I thought were easy was taking notes, writing the paper, recording myself, and making a picture collage.

    What areas did you have trouble with, if any?
    I did not have many troubles making a podcast because I have done it before.

    How could Podcasts be used in Science, History, and English classes?
    You could look up any era in history or a science project or a author and listen to a podcast about that certain thing and you would be able to see picture.

    ~Brittany Reid

  3. What new skills were required to complete this task?
    ~You needed to know how to import and export, also you needed to learn how to save and transport things like audio and pictures onto the same post.

    What skills did you find easy to use?
    ~Making the collage on the first lady was the easiest to create.

    What areas did you have trouble with, if any?
    ~I had trouble with trying to figure out and how to put the audio and the collage on the same post.

    How could Podcast be used in Science, History, and English classes?
    ~You can record or download an audio of a subject and have pictures that go along with it to help students hear and see what you are trying to explain.

    *BY: Lauren Goa

  4. Skills that I learned is how to use fireworks to record pod casts.

    I felt that recording the script was very simple and easy to pick up. I had no trouble learning how to use it.

    I had the most trouble with getting my information to match up to a good amount of recording time.

    Podcasts can be very helpful in Science, History and other subject because you could talk about a report to your teacher with out even being at their desk.

  5. What new skills were required to complete this task?
    We had to learn how to record and export our audacity as an mp3, then we had to find our embedded code to copy and paste as a podcast.
    What skills did you find easy to use?
    It was easy to record and export as an mp3.
    What areas did you have trouble with, if any?
    I had trouble with finding my embedded code to copy.
    How could Podcast be used in Science, History, and English classes? We could use podcasts for presentations.
    Lauryn Horace

  6. 1. The learned how to write a script, record it, and make a collage.
    2. I liked writing the script, i found it easy to do.
    3. Recording the script was difficult because i sometimes stumbled over my words.
    4. Podcasts can be used in other classes by doing reports and using the information and pictures.
    Kerrigan Majewski

  7. what new skills were required to complete this task?
    I learned how to create a podcast using audacity.
    what skills did you find easy to use?
    Thought it was easy to record the podcast and export it.
    how could podcast be used in Science, History, and English classes?
    You can record a podcast to tell people about something and have a collage to go with it to help the people visualize it too!

  8. 1) I've learned how to create a callage and a voice recording on the computer.
    2) I found making the callage easy.
    3) I had troubles with adding the podcast to my blog.
    4) Podcasts could be used to help bring an audio explanation to people who need it about different subjects.
    Austin Woods

  9. 1.I have Learned how to record a podcast and create a collage
    2. I found it easy to record the podcast.
    3.I found it hard to find information on my first lady because she was the 2nd first lady.
    4.Podcast could be used when doing reports in other subjects.

    Connor Schalitz

  10. 1. i used how to create a podcast using audasity and during it into a MP3.
    2. Writing the script.
    3. Upload to Podbean.
    4. It could be used if the teacher is not there that day, for presentations for people you dont like to talk in public and for people you cant see all that great.
    -Kaylee box

  11. 1. The new skills I learned were how to create a podcast, how to make a collage, and how to use audacity.
    2. The skills I found easy were making the collage.
    3. The area I had troubles in were, finding the information online.
    4. I'm probably not going to use it but if I need to I will have the skills to do it.

  12. What new skills were required to complete this task?
    Some new skills I learned was how to publish a podcast and use adobe firework

    What skills did you find easy to use?
    most of the skill were easy to use

    What areas did you have trouble with, if any?
    Jeff Myers Jr.
    i found trouble figuring out how to publish the podcast

    How could Podcasts be used in Science, History, and English classes?
    They could be used to give info. so you don't have to read the books

  13. 1)You had to know how to update to your blog and podcast.
    2)Most of this project was easy to me.
    4)You can record lessons and listen to them if you were sick or absent, and when you need to study.
    -ian deye

  14. 1. I learned how to record a podcast and then create a collage.
    2. I found it very easy to record a podcast.
    3. I found it very easy to find information about the Presidents wife because I found a website that had a lot of information.
    4. The podcast could be used to learn in new ways and for other projects.

  15. 1. The new skills I that were needed on this project was how to record a podcast, and how to use the program audacity.
    2. I found recording the script easy.
    3. I had trouble trying to found out to get the embedded code onto my blog.
    4. Podcasts could be used in other classes by teachers giving us information even if they're not in the classroom. Also an absent student could give their presentation while still being at home.

    - Nick Sexton

  16. 1. What new skills were required to complete this task?
    -Some new skills that I needed to complete the task were i had never recorded anything using the Audactiy program and i had never made a collage using Adobe Fireworks which were quite easy and fun once you got a feel for the software.

    2.What skills did you find easy to use?
    - I found that exporting and uploading an Mp3 file to be a podcast was actually quite cool and fun. i also found the audacity was a good recording site.
    3.What areas did you have trouble with, if any?
    -uploading it to podbean and my blog.
    4.How could Podcasts be used in Science, History, and English classes?
    -you can use them as projects instead of writing a paper or you can post your essay or project on the web using a podcast.
    -Jason Gonring
